"Louisiana State Water Gulf of Mexico Old Field
Resurrection in the Aftermath of the Macondo Disaster"
by: William Clay Kimbrell, Elliott Black IV, James W. Kimbrell
Tracey V. Kimbrell, Max N. Lindsay, and Christopher Tolleson
This is a case study of an old field successfully resurrected back to commercial production by means of proper and efficient study, design, and implementation before and after the Macondo disaster.

"The Consideration and Applicability
of Game Theory to Reserve Valuation"
by: William Clay Kimbrell
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: October, 2008
This paper discusses practical concepts of game theory for the inclusion of “player affects or strategies” that may include “conflicting decision makers” and “negotiated” or “non-negotiated strategies” in the methodology for arriving at a fair market value of estimated reserves.

"Enhancing Inactive Well Recovery Potential
– A Case History"
by: Kimbrell, W.C., Wojtanowicz, A.K.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: June, 2006
This paper presents an example of a method for identifying incremental productivity of inactive watered-out wells in complex reservoir structures with edge water. The method targets inactive/marginal wells associated with bypassed oil reserves and forecasts the potential of these wells through the use of dual well completions with downhole water drainage.

"Candidate Acquisition of Downhole Water Sink Potential (CadWasp) –Initial Development of an Expert System for Identifying Candidates for Enhanced Recovery Technologies"
by: Kimbrell, W.C., Wojtanowicz, A.K., Jarred R.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: June, 2006
This paper overviews research efforts, to date, toward an expert system and well candidate selection program model, named Candidate Acquisition of Downhole Water Sink Potential or CadWasp.

"West Delta Block 84-Methodology and Analysis of a Previously Orphaned Field"
by: Kimbrell, W.C. and Wojtanowicz, A.J.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: June, 2005
This paper describes the effort to justify, document, and confirm proven, unproven, undeveloped, and bypassed remaining oil and gas reserves in West Delta Block 84 Field; at one time an orphaned field off the coast of Louisiana. The methodology used for the evaluation provides an insight into how to quickly and efficiently identify worthwhile and economic marginal properties, even with incomplete or missing information.

"KEKF R1 RESERVOIR-West Delta Block 84, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana - An Analysis and Confirmation of Bypassed Primary and Secondary Reserves"
by: Kimbrell, W.C.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: May, 2002
West Delta Block 84 Field is located off the coast of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. The intent of this endeavor is to prove that the two of the reservoirs, the KE-1 and KF-1, form a single communicating reservoir, the KEKF-R1; that a waterflood into the KF-1 reservoir was ineffective; that oil reserves were bypassed; and that a portion of these bypassed oil reserves can be recovered without drilling new wells.

"Screening of Louisiana Oil Reservoirs for Application of Air Injection Processes"
by: Kimbrell, W.C.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: September, 1997
In order to screen Louisiana oil reservoirs for application of other gas injection processes, mainly air, this database was updated. Each year, operators submit to DNR "Secondary Recovery and Pressure Maintenance Annual Data Sheets" (SRPMADS)

"Final Report Improved Recovery From Gulf of Mexico Reservoirs"
by: Kimbrell, et al.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: January, 1997
Gas injection for attic oil recovery was modeled in vertical sandpacks to compare the process performance characteristics of three gases, namely methane, nitrogen and flue gas. All of flue gas recovered oil more rapidly than methane because a large portion of the methane slug dissolved in the oil phase and less free gas was available for oil displacement.

"Screening Criteria for Application of Carbon Dioxide Miscible Displacement Waterflooded Reservoirs Containing Light Oil"
by: Diaz, D., Bassiouni, Z., Kimbrell, W.C., Wolcott, J.
The technical parameters of each reservoir are first compared to those of an “ideal” reservoir, and from that comparison, each reservoir is assigned a technical ranking. The technical parameters used in the screening process are remaining oil in place, minimum miscibility pressure, reservoir depth, oil API gravity, and formation dip angle.

"Produced Water in Louisiana - Analyzing the Magnitude of the Problem"
by: Kimbrell, W.C.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: January, 1996
Produced water is a fact of life in Louisiana. The largest volume of waste associated with oil and gas production operations in Louisiana, as well as nationally, is produced water. The amounts of produced water are overwhelming compared to the amounts of hydrocarbons produced. In 1993, while over 1.2 billion barrels of produced water was being generated, less than 200 million barrels of oil and condensate and a little over 200 million BOE of gas was produced. From 1990 to 1993, the statewide WHR averaged approximately 3.2

"Development of Improved Methods for Locating Large Areas of Bypassed Oil in Louisiana"
by: Bourgoyne, A.T., Kimbrell, W.C.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted:March, 1993
If Louisiana is to move out of its current weak economic situation to a prosperous future, the state must build on existing strengths and better utilize our available resources as well as attract new industry. Oil and gas production is clearly an area of existing strength which must not be neglected.

"Pilot Oil Atlas for Louisiana"
by: Kimbrell, W.C. and Bourgoyne, A.T, Gao, W.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: January, 1993
In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult for major oil companies to economically produce many of the older domestic reservoirs because of declining well productivity and more stringent environmental regulations. Smaller independent operators are playing an increasingly important role in producing the remaining oil and gas, and it is anticipated that this trend will continue in the future. The small independent producers do not maintain research and development laboratories, nor do they have the large technical-support staffs found in the major oil companies.

"Lithostratigraphy and Production Characteristics of the Wilcox Group(Paleocene-Eocene) in Central Louisiana"
by: Tye R.S., Moslow T.F., Kimbrell W.C., Wheeler C.W.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted:November, 1991
Multiple, discountinuous sandstones of the Wilcox Group in central Louisiana were deposited in fluvial, deltaic, and marine sedimentary environments in the Tertiary Gulf of Mexico basin. Prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs developed in association with positive structure features or where sedimentary characteristics were favorable. Regional stratigraphic correlations are difficult because the Wilcox Group contains nunerous complex depocenters.

"Sparta B Sandstones (Eocene),Fordoche Field, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana-A Compartmentalized,Barrier-Island Oil and Gas Reservoir"
by: Krutak P.R., Kimbrell W.C.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: October, 1991
Fine-scale correlation of sixty-two well penetrations of Sparta B sandstones (Middle Eocene) in Fordoche Field, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, shows the unit is compartmentalized into an upper and lower sandstone by a thin "shale" body that is resolvable on standard (1"= 100 ft) E-logs. Sedimentary structures and trace fossils preserved in conventional core of this thin "shale" indicate that it consists of interbedded fine to medium-grained sandstones and carbonaceous mudstones deposited as storm washover lobes, and tidal-inlet channels associated with a barrier-island complex.

"Case Study-Shallow Sands in Lafitte Field"
by: Kimbrell, W.C.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted:June, 1991

  • Estimated Magnitude of Bypassed Mobile Oil in a Mature Field nearing Abandonment.

  • Provide an actual example to facilitate the development of LSU's Interdisciplinary Team.

  • Assist in the development of a closer working relationship between Industry and Academia.

  • Test concepts aimed at increasing recovery from Louisiana's Oil and Gas Reservoirs.

"The Search for Reservoirs Suitable for Enhanced Gas Recovery Through Co-Production in South Louisiana"
by: Kimbrell W.C., David B.D., McCulloh R.P., Wrighton F.M.
DOWNLOAD ARTICLE---Posted: December, 1985
The co-production enhanced gas recovery technique is a means of enhancing the ultimate recovery of gas in water-driven reservoirs. The technique prescribes production of water from watered-out wells downdip simultaneously with the production of gas updip, in order to lower the abandonment pressure, retard water influx, and increase production during the primary life of the reservoir. Lower pressure results in increased production due to the expansion in the updip areas as well as remobilization of the dispersed gas from watered-out areas downdip. By treating the reservoir as a system instead of regarding single wells as individual profit centers, the operator can manage some reservoirs more efficiently and profitably.