Passion. Experience. Diligence

Clay and Tracey Kimbrell began this firm as a side project while their oldest daughter was still quite young. It started out as a passion project that quickly became a full-time gig, approaching the petroleum industry with a game theory mindset that cannot be compared. Their team includes James Kimbrell, resident geologist, Darrell Barnett, geologist and petroleum engineer, Nate Lindsay, project manager, and Alex Van Devender, marketing and administration support.

The firm offers services such as professional consulting, expert witness & litigation support, and complex analysis. These services include experience and knowledge of petroleum engineering, geology, geophysical, petrophysical, and environmental supports. We can assist in developing complex financial and engineering models, formal operating agreements, acquisitions, interpretations, appraisals, due diligence, and much more.

Get to know our team.